About Bro. Prabu

Bro. Prabu is a humble worshiper of The Lord. His heart is to reach the unreached, with the love of Jesus Christ through worship/praise and the living word of God. He feels that the calling on his life, is to take the Gospel of Christ and HIS love, to the nations per Mark 16:20, and to see the expansion of God’s kingdom making a difference in every sphere of society for Jesus Christ. During the year 2009, The Lord impressed upon HIS Agape love on Bro. Prabu’s heart through a vision and confirmed it with The Word.
The lavish love ABBA Father poured upon all of us HIS children, is nothing but Jesus Christ himself as in Romans 5:5; John 3:16, Romans 8:35,39; and 1 John 3:1.


Bro. Prabu’s first Tamil Christian worship album is “AGAPE”, which is The Lord’s work in Bro. Prabu’s life. He understood that man’s hesitation cannot stop God’s work, Agape represents the unconditional love of God, Jesus Christ himself. The album has seven songs, six of them are brand new, written by Bro. Prabu as ministered to him by the Holy Spirit. Music for the album AGAPE is arranged by his good friend Bro. Josiah Heflin (www.josiahheflin.com).
Bro. Prabu believes in God honoring worship. Per John 14:17, holy spirit is the inspiration to his music. He feels that worship is the attitude of heart, and that vocals or tunes or pitch or note or beat or strumming or songs are just the mechanics around it. He strongly believes worship should be the lifestyle of every believer in Christ.

Agape Tamil christian worship album has been released in Chennai,India and around the world on August 15th, 2012 by MUSIC MINDSS.

Tamil Christian Worship Song – Nesikkiren from the album AGAPE.

Agape of Christ Ministries

Agape of Christ ministries is about spreading the sweet love and message of fragrance about Jesus Christ to the world. Bro. Prabu believes that grace is a person whose name is Jesus Christ and Agape of Christ ministries is an extension of the same, focusing to give the honor and glory and praise to Jesus Christ. “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together,” Colossians 1: 17.
Currently through Praise and worship, Bro. Prabu ministers at Bread of Life Church, MN, USA, a multilingual Indian church. “Kingdom of God is within you,” Luke 17:21. Bro. Prabu believes in bringing The Word of God with power and authority and praise and worship which is close to the heart of The Lord Christ Jesus, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power” 1 Corinthians 4:20. He strongly believes that the purpose of The Lord Jesus Christ leaving the Holy Spirit into believers’ hearts is to represent Jesus Christ alone, as HIS brand ambassadors. “The kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it,” Matthew 11:12.

Bro. Prabu was born in Tamil Nadu, India, currently serves The Lord in USA and India. For the latest ministry updates and pictures visit our blog.