The Seed

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The Seed

1 Peter 1:23

    For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.

Status of the Seed:

    Is the imperishable seed , soiled, watered, pampered/protected well in us?

    Status of the Seed is relevant to whether or not we are able to spend quality time with God.
    The Lord who is the Rivers of Living water can alone be the source for Seed’s growth.

    This is key, as Leading fullness of life and bringing life to others is dependent on how well
    our soil(life, heart, mind) is cultivated and seed in us is watered/prospered and protected.
    Self diminishes, Godliness dominates in this whole process.

Food for Thought:

  1. Giving birth is possible by Only Living beings. We are given birth by a living God.
  2. Know that A seed, called word of God has made us alive. Also That seed is continuously
    present in us. This is important, as this very seed(with full of life), causes life to spring
    forth in us and also in others.
  3. Also, it is up to us to make sure the seed in us grows, which means ensuring proper
    watering of the seed, providing right ambience, temperature etc to the seed.

How can we correlate this to our life?

    Feeding the inner man with things of God, walking/meditating the word, fellowship/intimacy with God.

What change does it bring to us?

    As the Seed in us grows, we cannot contain it. Our personalities(self) diminish and Godliness
    dominates. Also when a tree in our home grows it gets noticed by neighbors.
    Likewise, when the seed in us grows, others cannot escape seeing it. The resultant is the
    fruit, which is giving birth. Which can be visible in every facet of our lives.

God Bless,

So, what do you think ?